Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 goals

Because I want this blog to be a place where I can look back on the past and remember what we were doing, I figured I'd post my resolutions. I try not to make grand resolutions about stuff that I'll never stick to.  My resolutions used to be tied to changing things about myself.  Now, I try to tie my goals to creating better habits and accomplishing things I've wanted.  

During one of my first weeks at my new job at LearnVest, our editors asked the entire team about our financial resolutions for 2013.  Finances are on my mind constantly, and I had a lot of things I wanted to accomplish this year before we get married.  I was included in the article (famous!) and publicly resolved to: Figure out how to combine my finances with my fiance as we head into major saving mode for our wedding, honeymoon, and beyond!  My other resolutions, not featured, were to bring lunch 3x a week and give up Starbucks.  I have them on a post-it at my desk so I can be reminded everyday.  I think the small impact of bringing lunch and giving up Starbucks (usual cost: $15 a day!) has made me realize I can change my habits and find new ways to save money.

All of this makes me excited for the future ahead for me and Chris.  We have so much to look forward and we're in it all together.