Saturday, December 1, 2012


The holidays are here. We had a hectic and fun Thanksgiving weekend including lots of family time.  We started our first official holiday tradition as a couple. Chris and I both love Christmas and have been splitting time between each of our families for the last few years. But this year, because we live on Long Island now and actually have enough space for a tree, we hosted our first-ever tree-trimming. Both of our families joined us for snacks and pizza and helped us get our apartment in the holiday spirit. Fake tree all the way- I've never been a real tree person. Our tree and most of our ornaments are hand me downs from Chris' grandparents. Our moms are also going to give us out childhood ornaments, but not until next year... for our first tree as a married couple!

We are lucky to have close knit families that enjoy spending time together. We realized everyone's getting comfortable with each other through the easy laughter, candid conversation, and when Ryan stretched out and took a nap on our couch.

Here are a few pics from that day (including before and after of our tree)!

We are going to make it an annual thing.  What's your favorite holiday tradition?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I thought I'd start with a gratitude list. I've been feeling incredibly lucky and blessed in life right now. It feels like I'm in the right place for once and I want to hold on to that. And, well, it's Thanksgiving week so all the cool kids are doing it.
  • I'm grateful for finding the love of my life
  • I'm grateful for steps I've taken to care for myself
  • I'm grateful for gel manicures
  • I'm grateful that I'm close with my parents
  • I'm grateful for friends I can trust no matter what
I keep reading how important it is to keep gratitude top of mind. It's working for me. Lately, I feel lighter, unburdened. Also, I'm realizing, life is not about being perfect (which is something I've had trouble letting go of since birth)... it's about being here. I'm less likely to get down about the little things if I'm not expecting things to always be a certain way.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

getting started...

I've thought about starting a blog for years, but I've been too scared. I'm constantly self-editing- afraid of what others will think, afraid I won't be good enough. I've been challenging myself lately to just trust my creativity. Maybe I've been reading some creativity unleashing self-help books...maybe now just is the time. So here it is.

I want to use this as a place to talk about everything. I know that's broad and most blogs are more focused but I've tried writing about running or about weddings specifically and I've gotten distracted too quickly.

Here's my story- I'm Danielle, a late twenty something with a handsome fiancĂ© and the cutest puppy on the planet. We live in the suburbs-- after living in the city for 6 years I'm still surprised I made the move but I love it.  I just left my (somewhat) cushy magazine marketing job for a startup that has me feeling inspired for the first time in a long time.  We are planning our wedding and saving to buy a house.  I'm inspired by photography, passionate people, teachers, my parents. I love organization, weddings, the color purple. I talk fast and loud when I'm excited-- my fiancĂ© thinks its cute but I think it's embarrassing. My family and I are incredibly close.

This blog won't be perfect, but I hope you'll read along :)